The blue whale is the largest animal in the world. It can grow to 100 feet long(or more!) and weigh 220 tonnes ( one tonne is 1,000 kilograms) It is an endangered animal . 10,000 or more blue whales are left in the world. It eats tiny krill and zooplankton. It can eat four tonnes of krill or zooplankton a day. The blue whale can expand its lower jaw to eat large amounts of krill or zooplankton. The blue whale lives in the ocean and can dive to 7,00 meters.
The fin whale is the second largest animal in the world and can can grow to 75 feet. When a blue whale comes up to the surface to breathe, its nose blows water 30 feet into the air.I drew these whales because I was going to build a shirt with it.
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